GALERIE HO, Seoul, South Korea
till 28th October 2007
Contemporary Art from South Korea
It is very convenient to introduce the most recent works of 40 Korean male and female artists at a time, when everything in Berlin is concerned with Fine Arts.
All living artist generations will be represented: Works of the younger generation show an interesting development and sometimes approach different ways with regards to the older and internationally acknowledged generation.
The most representative works will be shown in the first week, i.e. works of famous Professors of the Hongik- University Seoul, one of the greatest and leading Art Faculties in Asia: Doo-Shik Lee (Dean of Hongik University), Kim-Tae Ho, Jong- Shik Shin and ki- Woong Park. There will be also seen some works of invited German artists: Werner Geister and Christine Kunkler.
In the last three weeks, young artists, keen on experiment and sometimes a little naive, will be introduced to the Berlin public.
This exhibition is one of the activities of the International KG Gallery Ltd. which is a cooperation of the Korean Gallery Ho and the German Galerie artodrome which promotes the international exchange of Korea and Germany and which takes this exhibition at the Art center Berlin Friedrichstrasse as one of the basis for further common projects.